In small-town Minnesota, national politics are nasty. But residents have to find ways to get along.

WINDOM, MN Dan Cory wants to be the next Rush Limbaugh. He's a political news junkie, the voice of the local hockey team, and the director of sales for trucking company Fortune Transportation in Windom, Minnesota.

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  • Windom, Minnesota, is a town where national issues are visible on a local scale.
  • The county voted for President Donald Trump by a wide margin in 2016, even though the state went Democrat and is expected to again this year.
  • Residents are growing increasingly diverse as meatpacking and farming jobs attract immigrants.
  • They may disagree on racism, the pandemic, the economy, and more, but they still find ways to get along — because they have to.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

WINDOM, MN — Dan Cory wants to be the next Rush Limbaugh. 

He's a political news junkie, the voice of the local hockey team, and the director of sales for trucking company Fortune Transportation in Windom, Minnesota.

He's a classic Republican, voting based on who is going to lower taxes and eliminate regulations. The only mistakes President Donald Trump has made? Refusing to give Cory a job in the administration and tweeting too much, Cory jokes.

Cory likes to think he's pretty good at making predictions. And this year, his big prediction is that Trump will win Minnesota. If Trump does so, he'd be the first Republican nominee to nab the Democratic stronghold since 1972. And if Cory is right, a Democrat friend has to bake a dessert for him.

Madi McVan/Insider Madi McVan/Insider

Even if Trump doesn't win the state — most polls have Vice President Joe Biden ahead in Minnesota by a comfortable margin — it appears that enthusiasm for Trump in Cory's hometown hasn't waned since Trump won the county by 35 points in 2016.

Windom, the seat of Cottonwood County, is busy for a town of about 4,420 in the middle of a pandemic. Cars nearly fill up the Hy-Vee parking lot. A few people walk around the town square, where a ring of small businesses surrounds the historic Cottonwood County Courthouse, a regal red-and-brown structure that towers over the other buildings. Masks are few and far between.

Windom is a town where national issues are visible on a local scale.

Windom residents of color cite examples of racism, but many white residents don't think it's a systemic problem

In recent years, Windom lost one of its two grocery stores and the only department store. The number of businesses in the town square had been in a slow decline since well before the pandemic forced many to close temporarily or permanently, following a nationwide trend of storefront closures.

The Latino population has grown exponentially in the past two decades as meat-packing plants reopened and expanded, attracting immigrant workers to the predominantly white town. The new arrivals were met with mixed attitudes from Windom's white residents, who say they've made attempts to connect but express fear that the Latino residents will overwhelm schools, local government, and other resources.

The town is far from politically unified. In 2008, Republican presidential candidate John McCain won by only 6 points. In 2012, Mitt Romney won by 15 points. But in 2016, Trump won more than double the votes of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

Madi McVan/Insider Madi McVan/Insider

In many ways, Windom is a testament to both Trump's successes and his flaws. There's no lack of manufacturing and agriculture jobs in town; current unemployment is on par with the nation's pre-pandemic levels. But that hasn't kept some white residents from harassing Latino residents with Trump-inspired slogans, said one recent graduate of Windom Area High School.

Jesus Cazares-Reyes grew up in Windom with his Mexican father, a farmworker, and Nicaraguan mother, who works in a meatpacking plant.

After the 2016 election, Cazares-Reyes said that while his teachers were empathetic, he witnessed other employees harassing Latino students by saying, "Trump's going to send you back," or, "You know Trump won, right?"

Cazares-Reyes tends to stay quiet when he hears those comments. Once, when he was in the frozen-food aisle of a Walmart in Worthington, about 30 minutes from Windom, a white man told him to "go back to Mexico." 

When Cazares-Reyes told his mother what happened, she told him to keep his head down and avoid fights. Having grown up under a dictatorship in Nicaragua, his mom is wary of making political statements and escalating conflict, he said.

Madi McVan/Insider Madi McVan/Insider

Then, in 2018, his father traveled to the southern border for an immigration interview. Immigration officials, with direction from the president, encouraged Mexican citizens to wait for their interview on the Mexican side of the border, so Cazares-Reyes' father crossed over. Then the application was denied, and he had no way of legally re-entering the country. Cazares-Reyes's father still hasn't made it back to the US.

And Cazares-Reyes was lucky; because he was born and raised in Windom, he said, he was treated better than other Latinos in town.

"People would say I was 'not like the others,'" Cazares-Reyes said.

In 2000, just 2% of Windom Area School District students were listed as Hispanic. Now, one of every five Windom students is Hispanic. Nationally, the number of Hispanic people in the US has nearly doubled since 2000.

Not everyone in Windom believes there's a racism problem. Gil Parent is Filipino-American and graduated from the Windom Area High School in 2019, the year before Cazares-Reyes. He was never treated differently because of his race, he said.

Parent, a food inspector, doesn't care much about politics and isn't voting this year.

"I've never been someone to take interest in that kind of thing," Parent said. He prefers to spend his time learning languages and running instead of reading up about politics.

Madi McVan/Insider Madi McVan/Insider

Cory said white Windom residents like himself have been accepting of the Latino population. Racism is an individual problem, he said, rather than a systemic one.

"Because this town is so aware of the stereotype that small towns are racist, we go out of our way to be welcoming," Cory said.

A local business owner had to close her business because of the pandemic. She's still voting for Trump.

Trump's economic policy, promises of tax cuts, and anti-immigration rhetoric seem to have fueled his overwhelming victory in Cottonwood County in 2016. If he wins this year, it will be in part because voters trust him and other Republicans to handle the pandemic.

"I don't know what we should be doing, but it's not this," said Hilary Mathis, who owns Enspired, a boutique on the town square.

She's closing her business permanently, Mathis said Friday, due to the uncertainty she and other business owners face.

Mathis, 37, said she's had a bit of an oddball life, characterizing herself as a "rebel." A third-generation Windom resident, she stands out with her bold dark eyeliner, tattoos, and nose piercing.

Madi McVan/Insider Madi McVan/Insider

Her business had been successful since she opened the shop in 2011. She offers a wide range of products, including homemade soaps, jewelry, coloring books, and other novelties. One of her favorite items is a sign hanging near the register that displays her personal slogan, "don't be a d---."

She never followed politics. In 2016, she voted for Trump because her dad told her to.

"To be completely honest, in February of this year, I couldn't have told you who our governor was, and I definitely couldn't have told you he was a Democrat," she said.

When the pandemic first shut down businesses in March, Mathis thought the same as many others: It would all be over in a couple of months. She got to work putting together care packages and using social media to sell feel-good items. The town rallied around her and other small businesses by purchasing her products.

But with her four children back in school and one coronavirus scare in the family — her husband had a migraine, but Mathis got tested just in case — Mathis has decided she can't keep running a business with all of this uncertainty. Each time the phone rings, she thinks it could be the school telling her to quarantine her children.

She accepted small, local grants to help keep the business afloat but never applied for a Small Business Association loan. She doesn't want government help.

"If I can't do it myself, I'll go down in a blaze of glory," Mathis said.

Now a more active participant in politics, she places the blame on Democratic Gov. Tim Walz, who has pushed for strict coronavirus restrictions, rather than the president, who has downplayed the seriousness of the virus.

She says her support for Trump comes strictly from a business-owner point of view, and she welcomes people of all races, sexual orientations, and backgrounds.

The town's ugly political fights have played out on social media, but residents are still finding ways to get along

While Windom residents pride themselves on their tight-knit, supportive community, social media has drawn out ugly political fights that broke friendships and fomented division.

Pat Colby, who started the Facebook group "Windom Happenings ~ UNcensored" calls himself a hate-filled constitutional extremist. But he's not one of those "nutjob Trump fanatics," he says, although he does agree with the president on almost every issue.

Colby, a retired Army veteran, founded the group a year and a half ago after he felt he was being censored on the main Windom Facebook page, "What's Up in Windom."

He currently drives a pickup truck, although he's previously driven four different hearses (he is not a funeral director). He sports overalls, a US Army jacket, and a USA cap. Underneath the overalls, he wears a Windom Happenings ~ UNcensored T-shirt.

Madi McVan/Insider Madi McVan/Insider

The main rules for his group? Discussions must be related to Windom — not national politics — and you can't use words "shut" and "up" in consecutive order, Colby said. Debates and cursing are not only acceptable but encouraged.

In this group, some people openly express fear that Windom is turning into Worthington, a minority-white city.

Colby, 59, worries that the influx of immigrants in Windom will overwhelm schools and social services. He closely follows the dealings of the city government, especially the location of housing for the predominantly Latino meatpacking and manufacturing workers.

But he's not under the impression that they're taking jobs from American-born people.

"Is there an unemployment problem in Windom? No, there's a problem with people not wanting to freakin' work," he said, adding that there are plenty of available jobs around.

Ashley Johnson runs the "What's Up in Windom" Facebook group.

"Pat and I disagree on a lot of things," she said. "But he'd be the first person to pick you up if you fell down."

Johnson is an "outlier" in town — she usually votes Democrat, with the exception of her state Rep. Rod Hamilton, who she said has backed bills that would benefit her son with Autism Spectrum Disorder. She and her husband own Windom's garbage and recycling service.

"I love immigration," she said. "When people ask, 'Will you let foreigners into the community?' I'm like, 'heck yeah.' And I'll let them into my home, too."

Johnson, who is white, said that people like the young Hispanic Dreamer, a beneficiary of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals policy that protects some undocumented immigrants from deportation, who she drives to school have a huge impact on her politics. Johnson also has an adopted Black daughter.

Ashley Johnson Madi McVan/Insider

She said that soon after her daughter was adopted, the family would turn heads when they walked into a restaurant. But now that her family has been established for a while, people don't bat an eye.

"I have two 15-year old daughters and I know they will be treated differently because of the color of their skin," Johnson said. When her daughters were leaving to go shopping with friends in Omaha, Johnson pulled her Black daughter aside and, on the advice of her daughter's biological aunt, advised her to be careful and follow the rules.

"If someone wants to search your backpack, let them," Johnson said, suggesting that any amount of conflict could quickly go south due to her daughter's race.

Johnson has seen how hard it is to have genuine conversations through social media, so she opts to only talk politics one-on-one. Many people in Windom agree that Facebook is where friends are lost and people's ugly sides come out.

National politics have contributed to division in Windom, but in a small town, residents don't have the luxury of cutting people out of their lives. Those born in Windom tend to stay in Windom. Sure, you can block someone on Facebook, but you'll see them at your kid's hockey game and then at McDonald's after. So, despite the polarization, Windom residents make it work. They have to.

Correction 11/3/2020: This piece was corrected to reflect that former President Barack Obama did not win Cottonwood County in 2012.

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