Why Shay Mitchell Isn't Making Marriage Plans With Partner Matte Babel

For Shay, getting married doesn't make her relationship with Matte any more real, adding, "I didn't feel that a piece of paper and a big celebration and a ring would like justify my love." TheBIS founder also elaborated on why she thinks it's so important that the age people are getting married is trending older

For Shay, getting married doesn't make her relationship with Matte any more real, adding, "I didn't feel that a piece of paper and a big celebration and a ring would like justify my love."

The BÉIS founder also elaborated on why she thinks it's so important that the age people are getting married is trending older as time goes on. 

"We're developing so much in our 20s and like what we are learning, who we are," Shay said. "And when you get together and you're married, you grow as a unit, you know, and sometimes that's great. But sometimes it's detrimental to your own development."

"And I think the reason why I've been very lucky to be in, for the most cases, you know, great relationships," she continued, "is because I've always felt pretty secure and confident with who I was first before getting into a relationship."

