These mischievous youngsters had lots of fun winding up their teachers when they were told to complete exam papers at school.
Sarcasm, youthful innocence and brutal honesty are all reflected in the pile of papers - with some answers so ridiculous, even the teachers probably struggled to suppress a smile.
And some responses are so frustratingly clever, it is hard to imagine how anybody but the pupil had the last laugh.
One pupil hilariously gave names to all of the shapes on the page - including Bob and Sam - after they were instructed to name each one
The best solution to overpopulation? This answer refers to the dystopian novel and film series where youngsters are selected to fight to the death in an arena
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ShareReported by the Sun, one pupil was asked why somebody might not be able to see a slide when it is placed underneath a microscope. They answered bluntly: 'She is blind'.
Another person disturbingly scrawled The Hunger Games when they were asked how to battle the problem of overpopulation.
Their answer refers to the dystopian triology and film series where youngsters aged 12-18 are randomly selected each year to fight to the death in an arena.
This pupil decided to describe the differences between the two numbers' physical appearance - explaining that eight is 'curly' but six is not
This answer might pull at the heartstrings if it was written in innocence - or make you laugh if it was a student pulling the teacher's leg
The word 'or' was scribbled into each gap in this list of questions - when really the idea was to work out which number is bigger
One exasperated pupil obviously is not a fan of multiplication tables, finally writing 'I do not care' when asked if they had been practising
Clever answers can also be seen in the batch of papers, with this student smartly writing '1895' when asked what ended in 1896
It appears that this pupil was on a roll with their answers until they reach this question halfway down the page
Taking the questions literally - rather than mathematically - the teacher decided to respond to the answer, writing 'very funny, Peter'