Dracula Has Been Way Weirder Places Than a Boat

The Last Voyage of the Demeter did not win the box office this weekend, but it did have the meme guys locked up. For some reason, Dracula on a boat is an almost hypnotic phrase. It activates the true poster like theyre in The Manchurian Candidate. But for the people who helped Dracula on a

The Last Voyage of the Demeter did not win the box office this weekend, but it did have the meme guys locked up. For some reason, “Dracula on a boat” is an almost hypnotic phrase. It activates the true poster like they’re in The Manchurian Candidate. But for the people who helped “Dracula on a boat” earn $6.5 million domestically, there are yet more places and people that have been drac’d through the ages. Thank god for the public domain. Dracula has faced off against Batman, Buffy, and Scooby-Doo. He’s been to space twice. He doesn’t drink…wine. But he has eaten a burger. Here’s all the most unlikely places people have found a Dracula or two in pop culture.

Dracula in a Meme

First let’s tip our hats to the good people of Twitter dot com, without whose tireless work The Last Voyage of the Demeter would slip completely into obscurity. Thank you, posters.

Last Voyage of the Demeter pic.twitter.com/UulRmDcYZk

— tina (@tinabuttajelly) August 12, 2023

Sailors say it's bad luck to have a Dracula on you ship

— Mr. Chau (@Srirachachau) August 11, 2023

actual pic of dracula on the demeter pic.twitter.com/STWExw8eYn

— Allen Strickland Williams (@TotallyAllen) August 11, 2023

Really love the opening credits of THE LAST VOYAGE OF THE DEMETER. pic.twitter.com/eyEItw60K3

— Bill Chambers (@flmfrkcentral) August 10, 2023

Dracula in the Bible

That’s the plot of Dracula 2000. Gerard Butler plays Dracula, who is actually Judas. Do this as a double feature with Penny Dreadful (in which Dracula is Lucifer’s angel brother) to get all your heretical zoomies out before church.

Dracula in an Audition

Gerard Butler’s audition for Dracula 2000 is up on YouTube, and he’s serving guyliner aplenty.

Dracula in Space

Dracula 3000 (no relation to Dracula 2000) is TV-movie with a lot in common with Last Voyage of the Dememter. The cast from Bram Stoker’s novel are transposed to space junkers, who come across the derelict spaceship Demeter. The tagline? “In space, there is no sunlight.” Which isn’t entirely true. In space, there’s always star light, but never the thing of light being refracted through an atmosphere. But that would be a terrible tagline.

Dracula in Space (Again)

On the moon this time! Many Draculas (Draculae?) had a castle on the moon in Marvel’s Captain Britain and MI13. From their moon base, the Drac’s plotted a takeover of England. Sidenote: Marvel’s Dracula has a goatee.

Dracula at a Fast Food Restaurant

No, it’s not a Chicken Shop Date. Marvel’s facial hair-sporting Dracula (mustache this time) got an animated adaptation, in which he was briefly made human again. His first meal was a burger at the incredibly-named Restaurant King Disco Bar.

Dracula in the Old West

The entirety of Billy the Kid vs. Dracula is up online. Come for John Carradine looking like Billy Ray Cyrus in the “Old Town Road” video. Don’t stay for the white people playing Native Americans.

Dracula at the North Pole

The comic book Santa vs. Dracula depicts Vlad’s attempt to become the new Santa Claus. Because Santa visits all the children in the world via chimney, Dracula would have a tacit invitation inside every home in the world. Or at least the Xmas-celebrating ones.

Dracula vs. Da Vinci

Sure, why not?

Dracula Has Been Way Weirder Places Than a Boat

