My girlfriend never wants to have sex anymore and Im starting to feel unwanted. How can I bring t

Dear Julia, My girlfriend never wants sex anymore. It's been over a month and I'm starting to feel unwanted and as if she finds me gross, though she's never said that. We've had this issue multiple times. Every time I think it's almost fixed, something flips and she stops wanting to be intimate with me.

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Samantha Lee/Insider
  • Partners can feel out of sync in their sex life if they have different desire types.
  • Telling your girlfriend how the lack of sex makes you feel while being curious about what she needs could help, said sex therapist Ian Kerner.
  • Have a question for Julia? Fill out this anonymous form. All questions will be published anonymously. You can read more Doing It Right here.

Dear Julia,

My girlfriend never wants sex anymore. It's been over a month and I'm starting to feel unwanted and as if she finds me gross, though she's never said that.

We've had this issue multiple times. Every time I think it's almost fixed, something flips and she stops wanting to be intimate with me.

It makes me really sad and sometimes frustrated, but I feel like I can't share my feelings because it'll be seen as coercion. But in truth, I've been crying every night over it. 

Is there anything I can say?

- Florida

Dear Florida,

I've also had moments where I've stayed silent about my negative emotions. I worried that if I shared, I would hurt that person or worse, they would take my vulnerability as a sign I needed too much. This is all to say that I'm familiar with the pangs of desperation you're likely feeling.

You shouldn't dismiss how you feel about your sexual bond with your girlfriend because they show you deeply care about being connected to her. In fact, you should be honest with her about how this change in sex has affected you, Ian Kerner, a sex therapist who works with couples, told me.

Kerner, who wrote the New York Times best-selling book "She Comes First," said differences in what men and women typically need to feel sexually desirable, plus inaccurate media portrayals of heterosexual sex, often lead men to believe there's something inherently wrong with them or their partner when their sexual interest is out of sync.

But there are ways to communicate your desires while having empathy for your girlfriend's needs, according to Kerner. He said that as long as both partners are up for working on their intimate bond, improvement is possible.

It's normal for you and your girlfriend to need different things to feel in the mood

According to Kerner, the ways people get in the mood for sex typically fall into two buckets, spontaneous desire and responsive desire. 

Someone who has spontaneous desire, which is very common among men, can simply think of sex or see their girlfriend looking hot and to be ready to go, said Kerner.

Someone with responsive desire, which is more common among women, "have to have the motivation or the intention to be sexual, and then desire emerges from that motivation," like a "simmering" of sexiness, Kerner said. Sexting throughout the day, lots of kissing before moving to genital touch, or spending quality time on a date are just a few examples of the "spark"  people with spontaneous desire need to feel ready for sex, according to Kerner.

It's likely you and your girlfriend have different desire types, but that doesn't mean you're sexually incompatible, Kerner said. It does mean you should be aware of these differences and make sure you talk about them from a place of curiosity, not judgment, together.

In his latest book "So Tell Me About the Last Time You Had Sex," Kerner explains how couples can better understand what turns the other on  (and off) for a more mutually satisfying sex life.

Think about what sex means to you emotionally and share that with your girlfriend

From a young age, society teaches men and women to internalize our emotions and sexuality in different ways. So when men and women come together to have sex, misunderstandings can happen, Kerner explained of a dynamic he often sees between the coupled partners he counsels.

"What often gets lost is that there's really emotional meaning for men in sex," Kerner explained. "These guys feel lonely, neglected, rejected. They are yearning for connection. They're just not expressing it that way, because they were taught not to express vulnerable emotions."

Unaware of their male partner's true emotions, the woman partner may view his frustration as a sign he's blaming her, or that he only sees her as sex object. In reality, he wants to connect in a way that works for both of them, but doesn't know how to articulate that, Kerner said.

The key to breaking this cycle is your acknowledgment that sex is more than just sex for you, and the willingness to talk about your emotions with your girlfriend from a place of softness, Kerner said.

He suggested broaching the conversation by saying something like, "I know it's been hard for us to have sex lately and I really miss it. I feel kind of disconnected from you and lonely and I'm hoping we can talk about it."

In sharing your own softness perhaps your girlfriend can share hers too, and explain what she needs to enjoy those intimate moments you crave. Be open to her needs, whether it's phone-free time just talking with each other, a 30-minute make out session, the dishes in the sink to be clean pre-sex, or something completely different.

It can be scary to wear your heart on your sleeve in this way when vulnerability is so often seen as a sign of weakness. But I know that every time I've been brave enough to go there, sharing my sadness or fear of being left, I've become closer to myself and the people I love.

I think it's worthwhile, Florida.

As Insider's resident sex and relationships reporter, Julia Naftulin is here to answer all of your questions about dating, love, and doing it — no question is too weird or taboo. Julia regularly consults a panel of health experts including relationship therapists, gynecologists, and urologists to get science-backed answers to your burning questions, with a personal twist.

Have a question? Fill out this anonymous form. All questions will be published anonymously.

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