Here's Ben Affleck's Penis in Gone Girl (in Case You Missed It)

Back when Gone Girl was about to hit theaters, Affleck opened up about the naked penis scene. "The penis is in there!" Affleck joked. "It costs extra. It's IMAX penis! You've gotta pay 15 bucks to see it in 3-D. It looks better in 3-D."

Back when Gone Girl was about to hit theaters, Affleck opened up about the naked penis scene. "The penis is in there!" Affleck joked. "It costs extra. It's IMAX penis! You've gotta pay 15 bucks to see it in 3-D. It looks better in 3-D."

He added more seriously, "I think there's some brief nudity in this movie. [Director] David [Fincher] said to me from the beginning, ‘This is a warts and all movie. It can have no vanity. You have to see the naked underbelly of this character.' It's gotta be like in Europe, they just don't give a s--t about any of that stuff and they just play real people. So that was the spirit of the thing and we kind of stuck to that, me and Rosamund [Pike]. There is some brief, um, very brief nudity, I think."

In other Ben Affleck penis news, even Nancy Grace is talking about the movie star's junk. In a recent interview with THR, Grace revealed she missed Affleck's penis when she saw the film. "I heard it made a turn in the movie. I'm assuming that was the shower scene. I'm sorry, I was too focused on the blood to notice Ben Affleck's penis, so I apologize to the penis because I did not notice it. Has everyone in this country seen his penis but me? Am I the only one?" she dished. LOL!

