Logic Compares Photos From "Last Year" & Now To Show Crazy Muscle Gains

We're a day past #TransformationTuesday but Logic is taking the opportunity to show off how much he's changed in the last year. He's clearly been spending time in the gym over the course of the past twelve months and it's showing off. Not only have interviewers been impressed by his visual transformation, but the man

We're a day past #TransformationTuesday but Logic is taking the opportunity to show off how much he's changed in the last year. He's clearly been spending time in the gym over the course of the past twelve months and it's showing off. Not only have interviewers been impressed by his visual transformation, but the man is definitely feeling himself too because arms have become a major theme of his Instagram page. Just a few days ago, he showed off a new photo of him flexing his muscles, which fans were instantly impressed by since we're all used to Logic being a scrawny, skinny kid. However, when he compares his physique today to "last year's" progress photo, the changes are even more remarkable.

In his before shot, Logic pulls the same pose, showing off his non-existent muscles, a little reminiscent of the current viral sensation Daddy Long Neck. Focusing on his fitness before and after his divorce to Jessica Andrea, Logic has been hitting the gym hard in his spare time to be able to show off his new body, embracing his Bobby Biceps moniker. 

Alright, of course, the first image is photoshopped. That was pretty obvious. However, the transformation is not too far off. Logic was never as small as he's showing in the comparison flick but he was once completely disinterested in fitness in the least bit. That has obviously changed as he has time to work out on top of touring, planning his seven unreleased albums and working on films, television shows, and two novels. Check out the astounding difference below.


